Evolution of movement strategies under competitive interactions

Evolution of movement strategies under competitive interactions

You can download the Master thesis I wrote at the University of Balearic Islands from here [PDF 2.5 MB].

Visual summary of Master thesis by Kiziridis, D. (2014). Evolution of movement strategies under competitive interactions (University of Balearic Islands).
Temporal change in the distribution of the mobility parameter μ during simulations of μ evolution. The distributions are depicted vertically, where darker color, according to the legend, denotes higher relative frequency of μ in the bins. In (a) and (b), competition was not affecting the death rates, and simulation started with all individuals having μ = 1 and μ = 3, respectively; in (c) and (d), competition was not affecting the birth rates, and simulation started with all individuals having μ = 1.75 and μ = 2, respectively. Mutations were allowed upon reaching equilibrium. Offspring were mutating their μ by a quantity drawn uniformly from the interval (−0.05, 0.05).